Learning languages opens up new horizons for everyone interested.

This is how the students of the course titled “The English language”, which is currently taking place at the Department of Philosophy and Foreign Languages, appreciate their classes.

The course is taught by the professor of the Department Lada Lichman. Within the three-month course the students take the opportunity to gain the knowledge in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

The students are given the strategies and tips for better English speaking, step by step guide through the process of making a presentation from preparation to conclusions and questions, what to say in casual conversations with strangers or colleagues.

Listening includes easy English songs, short stories, dictations and news reports, watching video with subtitles and without.

Reading is an essential skill to become a better reader, so that, the program provides numerous interesting articles to improve vocabulary and pronunciation, proper spelling of words and to become familiar with the rhythm of English.

Students will learn about formatting, planning and writing letters, articles and Emails.

The students who attend the course “The English language” and fulfill the course requirements, meet assessment criteria and demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in grammar and speech practice are recommended for training international students in English.

Discussion is a practical activity for the medical workers.

Having discussions based on a pre-determined theme often works well. The participants can work in pairs, small groups or can talk together as a whole group and discuss questions. The curriculum topic includes, for example, “Shops and Shopping”, “Work. Occupations”, “Houses and Homes”, “Scientific activities”.

This, generally, works best when the club has a core of members who attend relatively frequently.

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