From 18 to 21, May 2023, the annual congress of the European Academy of Pediatrics was held in Padua, Italy. May, 18-19 – master course "Acute diseases of a child": difficult cases for diagnosis, new in the management of bronchial asthma, minor head trauma - how to manage in children.

At the master course, an interactive thematic session is presented by the topics  about the wheezing, respiratory problem and febrile baby: triage of children at risk. Management of meningitis, diagnostic capabilities in primary care and rational use of antibiotics were also discussed. Speakers from Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands.

On May 19, the plenary lecture was about the genetic issues: "Whole Genome Sequencing. How can it be used by the Paediatrician, and how useful is for the Patient? ” presented by the speaker from Germany -  Matias Wagner.

At the congress, the issues of infectious diseases of children and adolescents were considered, in particular, COVID 19 (speakers from Great Britain and Italy), where the results of research on young children were widely presented, including the impact of vaccination on the course of infectious diseases in children (speakers from Israel, Austria and Italy ).

Plenary sessions: allergology, hematology, primary care, emergency conditions, metabolic and neurological diseases, endocrinology were presented with reports on gastroenteritis, anaphylaxis, atopy, development of programs for the prevention of allergic conditions, speakers from Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy.

The neonatology section included information on new changes in the Neonatal Resuscitation Guidelines, problems of premature babies (nutrition, care, subsequent development and follow-up). Clinical cases are presented. Speakers from Cyprus, Austria, Germany.

The delegation from Ukraine was represented by pediatricians, pediatric surgeons and neonatologists from Kyiv, Lviv, Rivne, Dnipro, Kharkiv and Ivano-Frankivsk.

The Department of Neonatology of Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine was presented by Associate Professor Olena Kostiuk with a poster presentation (joint research with the Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University, Lithuania) "Trace elemental composition of aerosol pollution of the premises of the National Hospital and its relationship with the incidence of respiratory infections in children"

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