Shupyk National University of Healthcare of Ukraine is among the 20 best educational institutions in Ukraine according to the National H-index 2025.

According to the data published on the website, Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine ranked 14th among educational institutions with a Scopus score of 55, WoS - 46, Google Scholar - 130.

In the overall ranking, which includes not only universities, but also scientific organisations, business initiatives and all institutions whose activities are aimed at conducting scientific research, Shupyk National University of Healthcare of Ukraine took 38th place.

The National H-index Ranking is an international non-profit ranking that was created to provide a transparent and unified ranking of scientific organisations and institutions. The key indicator is the Hirsch index, which is a well-known, popular and stable metric in the field of scientific research.

The ranking of organisations in the Ukrainian National H-index Ranking is based on the assessment of the productivity of scientific achievements.

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