First aid consists of the simplest medical measures that allow you to save the victim's life and prevent the development of possible complications. The procedure for providing pre-medical care to victims of massive external bleeding determines the mechanism of providing pre-medical care by persons who do not have a medical education, but according to their official duties must provide pre-medical care (Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 09.03.2022 No. 441 "On approval of procedures for providing pre-medical assistance to persons in emergency situations").

On the initiative of the head of the scientific student circle of surgical direction, the head of the Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, professor Serhiy Savolyuk, a training on providing pre-medical care was organized, dedicated to stopping critical bleeding, conducted by Stanislav Hnatovskyi, a 2nd-year intern at the Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery, a certified international trainer in tactical medicine.The visitors of the circle, students of the first year, learned what bleedings are critical, what are the methods and rules for stopping massive external bleeding. The participants of the training learned what a hemostatic tourniquet consists of, the rules and advantages of its use. During the training, the skills of applying a tourniquet to different areas of the upper and lower limbs of a conditional victim and in the case of self-help were practiced. Students learned how to apply a bandage to stop bleeding from nodal areas; practiced the skills of wound tamponade, learned the algorithm of actions in case of ineffective wound tamponade.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine calls on every conscious Ukrainian to find first aid courses in their city and to acquire these practical skills, because the ability of each of us to provide the necessary first aid to victims before the arrival of rescue services can play a decisive role in saving a person's life.

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