During the Fourth Youth Anesthesiology Conference (YAC 4) «Trischinsky Readings», which took place October 17-18, 2019 at the Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, the Simulation Olympiad was held. Its initiators were the Head of the Department of Anesthesiology and IC of the NMAPE P.L. Shupyka Professor Oleg Loskutov and Irina Rybinkina from the UK. Many employees of the department (first of all, associate professors Dmitry Dzuba and Inna Kuchynska) participated in the organization.

However, to minimize the element of bias, the competition was evaluated only by foreign experts Irina Rybkinina and Lana Nela (UK), as well as Andre Theron (Belgium). It is also worth noting the high methodological level of the organization of the Olympiad: in order to select two finalists, 3 preliminary rounds were conducted, incl. using specially brought high-tech mannequins from the United States. They worked out the scenarios of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The most modern sensors and software have produced results based on the depth and frequency of compression, the efficiency of chest repair, the degree of effectiveness of mass ventilation, and the likelihood of gastric resection with too strong breaths with an Ambu bag.

In the finals, the organizers offered the participants a very unusual scenario when the surgeon lost consciousness during the surgery and help was already needed for two patients. The winner of the Olympiad was a team of pediatric anesthetists from OHMADYT Hospital.

Along with the thorough preparation for the Olympics, the excellence of the mannequins on which it was conducted, the realism and closeness to life of clinical scenarios, one of its biggest differences from the previous ones was the emphasis on debriefing. Debriefing, that is, collective discussion of the scenario, individual and team actions, should give both participants and observers the confidence and deep conviction that they will honestly come out of a similar situation that can happen in real life. This time, the «analysis of flights» sought to be as positive as possible, and it took place in several stages. During the finals of the Olympics, which translated into the audience, other teams that did not enter the finals were able to become virtual accomplices. Maxim Pylypenko, the moderator of the broadcast, helped to share his impressions and productively discuss what he saw in real time. After the performance, each of the finalist teams came to this hall, where she was greeted in a friendly manner by her colleagues and the participants shared their impressions. The broadcast was dominated by an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual assistance. In the second stage, the questions «What was good to do?» And «What could be done better?» were already discussed with foreign judges. All this brought together 9 teams of participants, as well as numerous young and indifferent to their professional development of anesthesiologists into a single team. The majority of its participants emphasized the extraordinary effectiveness of simulation training and left YAC 4 keen to implement these newest methodologies in their workplaces.