From November 25 to November 27, 2019, at the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of the NMAPE named after PL Shupyk, according to the Curriculum and the program of cycle of thematic improvement “Transplant-Coordinator”, adjacent cycle of training of doctors in the specialty “Transplant-Coordinator” was held.

The preparation of these specialists for their professional activity in the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care provided for the study of legal and clinical aspects of the diagnosis of brain death, etiology and pathogenesis of brain death; establishment of death by neurological criteria (brain death) and the like. Other issues included the physiology of the transplanted organs, possible complications, their timely diagnosis and ways of prevention.

Classes were held at the clinical base of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care - at the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care according to the Regulations on the organization of the educational process at the NMAPE named after PL. Shupyka, taking into account the requirements of the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 302 of March 28, 2018 “On Approval of the Regulation on the System of Continuous Professional Development of Healthcare Professionals” and other normative documents regulating the training of health care professionals in the postgraduate stage.

Lectures and practical classes were given by the associate professors of the department Yuriy Markov and Maxim Pylypenko. At the end of the adjacent cycle, the students thanked the teachers of the department, headed by Professor Oleg Loskutov, for covering actual problems of modern transplantology in the part that relates directly to anesthesiology and intensive therapy, because transplantology is not just a field of science that deals with the problems of transplanting organs, tissues, or their artificial substitutes.. For many people around the world, this is the last ray of hope for the future, the opportunity to live and have a chance to see tomorrow.