Dear Colleagues! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! 

Our department heartily congratulates YOU on the upcoming holidays! The outgoing 2019 has been full of important events and achievements. In the coming year we wish YOU health and wealth, emotional resilience, self-confidence and optimism.

An amazing holiday that fills the hearts with joy, makes the soul sing, and the eyes shine with happiness. Let the coming 2020 will be the beginning of new horizon of victories, advances in the field of medicine, professional updating!

Santa Claus hurries with gifts

Ahead of the 20th year!

He will be happy - we know

All the people are having fun!

Let it be in the magic bag

He will find for you

Happiness, peace, more light,

To live passionately, loving.

Every day let it be bright

Nearby are loyal friends.

Let gifts more than once a year

Presented to you by fate!