Nowadays during the COVID-19 pandemic the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of Shupyk NMAPE provides a distance education for residents and doctors studying on thematic improvement courses.

Moreover, the main task of the Department is to perform the continuing studying with the help of open and free access to educational resources including Internet.

Teaching staff provides students with thematical plan, all the necessary educational materials and tests.

Professors and Assistant professors of the Department made their lections in the form of films consisted of presentations and comments during them. These educational materials are available on the Department`s website ( in section « Lectures».

Department made new page called «Doctor’s educational portal» («Likarskyi osvitnii portal») in Facebook. Lectures of Ukrainian and US speakers on urgent problems of modern medicine are available on this page. E.g., Head of the Department professor Oleg Loskutov, who has recently provided a lecture «Coronavirus, the problem reporting», has been gaining more than 40,000 views per week. Except Department’s residents, doctors from other hospitals, societies and institutes subscribed to this page.

The next step of distance education was implementation of on-line lectures according to the schedule. These lectures are provided on a «Discord» platform, which gives a lecturer an opportunity to communicate with students and allows control their presence.

The Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of Shupyk NMAPE is going to increase the number of educational films and on-line lectures in the future.