Master class: "Features of airway patency in patients infected with COVID-19" for interns 1 year of study. Emphasis on the use of personal protective equipment

The issue of providing highly specialized medical care, especially in critical situations when working with patients infected with COVID-19, the number of which is growing, is becoming increasingly important. The staff of the Department of Anesthesiology and IT in the educational process also provides PROTECTION of the young generation of interns of anesthesiologists from potential infection, conducting training workshops and seminars, demonstrating, including techniques for using personal protective equipment when working with infected patients.

Employees of the Department of Anesthesiology and IT (Professor O. Loskutov, Associate Professor I. Kuchynska, Associate Professor M. Pylypenko, ) together with the British Speaker, Mr. Johnn Maurice Alwood (West Middlesex Hospital University, Great Britain) conducted a 3-hour master class on the use of personal protective equipment, features of teamwork, use of checklists, features of airway patency, rapid sequential induction and intubation, use of video laryngoscopes in simulation situations when working with patients infected with COVID-19 who require respiratory support.

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