A doctor is not only a professional in medicine, but also a highly educated, cultured, intelligent person who respects his colleagues, parents, and the culture of other countries.

From 17 to 24 October 2021, an intern at the Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Diseases of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine Kobylynska Lyudmyla took part in the cultural and educational program "Fragrances of Culture" of the Polish-Ukrainian Council for Youth Exchange and Training.

The aim of the project was to deepen intercultural dialogue between Ukraine and Poland, promote open and tolerant relations between the youth of both countries, study common cultural roots, combat prejudices and stereotypes about both countries at the historical and modern level.

          The intern took part in organizing a play that recreated the customs of Ukrainian and Polish weddings, which was presented to the pupils of the local kindergarten and school, visited famous tourist sites in Poland, and had the opportunity to communicate freely with the youth of this country.

Employees of the Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Diseases of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine always supports the comprehensive development of their pediatric interns and encourages them to participate in educational and social activities.

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