Since October 2014 cooperation agreement has of postgraduate education (Kyiv) and Diater Laboratorios (Diater) VAT ES A82481813.

Professor O. Okhotnikova and members of the department are members of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI).

Scientific work of Department was presented at the EAACI Congress - 2015 (Spaine), 2016 (Austria), 2017. (Finland), 2018  (Germany), EAPS 2018 (France), GUF  2018 (Germany), FAM 2018 (Denmark), Allergy school on Immunotherapy in children for the treatment of respiratory and food allergy(2018) у Allergy school on Immunotherapy in children for the treatment of respiratory and food allergy in a poster presentation.

Professor of the Department of Pediatrics 1 Oshlyanskaya O.A. participated in the European Congress on Rheumatology from 12 to 15 June 2019 in the city of Madrid (Spain).