
1988 –achelor in Biology, Biology Faculty (Physiology of Man and Animals),

Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University (Kyiv, Ukraine).

1999  MA in Philosophy, The National University “Kiev-Mohyla Academy” (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Academic degrees, rank

1996–PhD in Biology, specialty «toxicology».

2009 – Doctor of Philosophy, specialty «philosophy of science».

2006 –Associate Professor of Philosophy Department.

2014 –Professor of Philosophy and Bioethics Department.

Professional experience

08.1988-12.1988 – Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of AMSU (Kyiv, Ukraine).

 1988-1999 – junior scientist and senior scientist in Medved Institute of Ecohygiene and Toxicology (Kyiv, Ukraine). 

1999-2013 – Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor in Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

2013-2015 –Head of the Philosophy and Bioethics Department in Odessa National Medical University (Odesa, Ukraine).

From 02.2015 till now – Head of Philosophy Department, Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Courses taught

«Philosophical anthropology and medicine»
«Fundamentals of Biomedical Ethics"
«Ethics of Biomedical Research"
«Ethical and deontological aspects of the physician’s clinical activity"
«Socio-cultural and ethical aspects of the physician physician’s clinical activity”
«Deontology and ethics of social work" (NTU "KPI")
«Basics of bioethics and biosafety» (ONMedU)
«Basics of Bioethics and Biosafety" (ONMedU)
«Philosophy" (ONMedU)
«Deontology in medicine" (ONMedU)
«Bioethics in social work" (Academy of Labour, Social Relations and Tourism)


  • Нandbook  of Global Bioethics/Ed. by Henk A. M. J. ten Have, Bert Gordijn. – N.-Y.-London: Springer, 2014 (у співавторстві).

  • Environmental Ethics: the power of ethics for sustainable development. – Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio Universitetas, 2010. – 600 c. (у співавторстві);


Total number of publications – 220.

Social work

President of Ukrainian Association on Bioethics, Head of Commission on Ethics of Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Ukrainian Rep of The International Global Bioethics Network and Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (FAB), Member of European Society of Medicine and Health Care (ESPMH), Member of Scientific Council of the International Society of Bioethics (SIBI),  Expert of UNESCO in Ukraine

Participation in projects

2000-2001 –Project “Development and implementation of standards of professional ethics in health care”. This project aimed to writing of  “Ethics code of Ukrainian physicians” was created and published (Soros fund in Ukraine); role: co-investigator

2001 – Project “Analyze and development of normative base of ethics committees’ activity in medical institutions of Ukraine” (Soros fund in Ukraine); role:  co-investigator

2002 – Project “Public involvement into implementation of bioethics principles in health care and ecology” (MATRA fund, Netherland Embassy in Ukraine); role: head of the Project

2004 – Project “Ethics committees as mechanisms of public control in health care and environmental protection: experience of work in Central and Eastern Europe” (Soros fund); role: head of the Project

2005  – Seminar „The protection of human rights in the context of Biotechnology: the problems and experience of Central and Eastern Europe”, Vilnius,  22-24 September 2005; role: participant.

2006 – International seminar “Development of standards of ethics expertise as a way to qualitative and responsible practice in biomedical research and health care system: the experience of Eastern and Central Europe”, Kyiv, 22-23 April, 2006 (Soros fund in Ukraine); role: head of the Project

2015– Project UNESCO «Scientific conference “Global Bioethics in Social Dimension”, 16-18 December 2015, Minsk, Republic Belarus; role: expert.

15.04.2011-15.03.2013 - A joint Belorussian-Ukrainian project of the Belarusian Republican Fund for Fundamental Research and the A.D. Sakharov International State Ecological University - "Ethical Aspects of Application of Nanotechnologies in Biomedicine and Human Ecology" (Contract No. B11K-151). Within the framework of the project prof. SV Pustovit participated as an expert in international scientific and practical conferences "Sakharov readings: environmental problems of the XXI century" Minsk, Republic of Belarus; (2011, 2012, 2013);

16.04.2013-15.03.2015 - A joint Belorussian-Ukrainian project of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research and the A.D. Sakharov International State Ecological University - "Biosecurity and problems of mutual adaptation of natural and artificial nanostructures in biomedicine and genetics: natural sciences and bioethics" (contract No. B13K-061). Within the framework of the project prof. SV Pustovit participated: 1) in organizing and conducting the Conference "Global Bioethics in Social Dimension: Education and Youth Education", December 16-18, 2015, Minsk, Republic of Belarus; 2) in the development of Recommendations on the implementation of the biosafety policy for the application of nanotechnologies and nanoparticles in the field of biomedicine and genetics.

January 2, 2015 -15.03. 2017 - Joint Belarusian-Moldovan project of the Belarusian Republican Fund for Fundamental Research and the A.D. Sakharov International State Ecological University (Contract No. B15MDD-029) "Problems of public health strengthening in the context of social bioethics and implementation of innovative biomedical technologies". Pustovit SV took part as: 1) an expert and lecturer of the seminar-training for the members of the Belarusian Association of Youth Clubs of UNESCO "Global Bioethics: Open Problems, Their Solution and the Role in Formation of the Moral Culture of Youth"; 2) co-author - in preparation of  manual "Global bioethics for students and schoolchildren. Manual" / ed. T.V. Mishatkin's - Minsk, 2015. - 175 p.

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