Postgraduate philosophical teaching is an integral and significant part of medical doctors training for general practice and scientific research in Ukraine. Modern regulations of medical profession demand well-defined knowledge of philosophical anthropology, philosophy of science, axiology etc. Deepening knowledge on the history of philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of education, ethics, bioethics and deontology according to the newest achievements of philosophical thoughts support the medical professionals with effective point of reference within the strict international professional regulations.

Moreover, successful mastering of professional ethics and philosophical foundations of humanistic worldview assure appropriate medical practices and research, pledge dignified requirements of humanization of the healthcare system in the context of avant-garde technological innovations in medicine and biology.

The directions of the Department’s teaching and methodological work are:

  • development of new curriculums and programs;
  • improvement of teaching and methodological support of courses;
  • development of methodological recommendations and manuals for courses;
  • improving the quality of training, current and final control and evaluation of students' knowledge;
  • implementation of distance learning and testing, other innovative and modern teaching methods (case studies, interdisciplinary roundtables and seminars, role-playing games);
  • internship of faculty lecturers abroad and cooperation with humanitarian and medical departments of the academy, foreign higher educational institutions.

Methodological work covers the systematic studying of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological sources, regular methodological seminars-trainings on actual teaching problems for the staff and round tables for postgraduate students, review and improvement of the programs. Every year the Department holds the mini-conferences of the faculty for PhD aspirants and involves them into scientific conferences, symposiums, round tables.

The staff monitors the content and timely updates the curricula and teaching and methodological support of current subjects and courses. All methodological developments of lectures and seminars are accessible for the students on the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine website and on the ILIAS platform – a collaborative enterprise of the Departments of Philosophy and Medical Informatics.

For many years the Department has been cooperating with the Commission on Ethics of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine and has been providing theoretical and methodological assistance to the commission’s members and PhD aspirants.