

MD, Dr. Sc., Full Professor, Head of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Dentistry

The departments that are part of the Institute carry out educational, methodological, scientific activities, namely: training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff at the third (educational-scientific and scientific level) of higher education in the field of knowledge “Health” in Dentistry, as well as carry out training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in internship, residency, specialization courses, thematic advanced training courses and pre-certification courses in the following specialties: “Pediatric Dentistry”, “Dentistry”, “Orthodontics”, “Orthopedic Dentistry”, “Therapeutic Dentistry”, and “Surgical Dentistry”; carry out scientific and innovative activities by conducting research in the framework of initiative research and carry out medical and diagnostic work in health care facilities, which are clinical bases of departments.

The teaching staff of the Institute of Dentistry consists of 15 MD, Drs. Sc., 13 of them have the academic title of Full Professor, 3 – Associate Professor; and 29 MD, PhDs with the academic title of Associate Professor.

Contact us:

9 Dorohozhytska Str., Kyiv, 04112

phone: (044) 206-73- 09; 

10A Pymonenko Str., phone/fax: (044) 482-08-52,  phone: (044) 482-08-40,

e-mail: [email protected]