There were proposed modern methods of rotaviruses and enteroviruses isolation, purification and concentration from the clinical specimens of patients and from the environment using bentonite, aminoetoxiaerosil-2 and enterosgel.
There were developed and proposed a new model of rotavirus cultivation in gnotobiot pigs to study the pathogenesis, the effectiveness of medical treatment and specific prevention.
There was first developed a new highly immunogenic inactivated vaccine for the specific prevention of rotaviral gastroenteritis. It was prepared and approved regulatory and technical documentation for the "A new veterinary inactivated vaccine of the enhanced immunogenicity for preventing rotaviral gastroenteritis", which was successfully tested and recommended for serial production.
There was developed a method for concentrating rotavirus from fluid using methylsilicic acid hydrogel.
There was proposed a method of synchronization of cells in a culture in G1-phase of the cell cycle with macromolecular complexes of bivalent platinum.
There was proposed a new biotechnology of cultivating viruses in the synchronized cellular systems using the compounds of bivalent platinum.
There was proposed a new biotechnology of cultivating surface-dependent cellular cultures of human beings and animals in the nozzle from polyethylene ribbons.
There was created and tested a mathematical model for predicting the effectiveness of rotaviral vaccines.
There were proposed new approaches for predicting genotype-effectiveness of the vaccine for the prevention of rotavirus infection in Ukraine.