The Department of Children's Infectious Diseases and Pediatric Immunology cooperates with the following international programs:

  1. Surveillance of rotavirus infection in children under 5 years old (since 2006);
  2. Central-Eastern European project on primary immunodeficiency in children "J-project" (since 2004);
  3. The European Educational Project on HIV Infection in Children Tr@inforPedHIV, conducted by the Pediatric European AIDS Network (PENTA).

Since 2009 there is an agreement on cooperation between Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and the Medical University of Debrecen and the Scientific Center for Health Care (Hungary). In 2016, a memorandum was signed with the Center for Primary Immunodeficiencies at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

All employees of the Department have taken part in the work of international seminars and congresses on urgent issues of infectious diseases of children, children's immunology, immune prophylaxis of infectious diseases.

Professor Alla Volokha and the staff members of the Department are members of the European Society of Infectious Infectious Diseases (ESPID), the European Society for Primary Immunodeficiencies (ESID), the organizing committee for the Project on the primary immune deficiency in children "J-project" in Central and Eastern Europe.

In 2018 employees of Department participated in 36th Meeting of European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) in Malmo, Sweden with presentation “Immunity to H.influenzae type b and Pertussis in HIV-infected children”. Two presentations were presented in 10th HIV Pediatric Workshoр, Amsterdam, Netherlands:  «Virological suppression among young people living with perinatally and behaviourally-acquired HIV-infection in Ukraine» та «Anxiety symptoms and felt stigma among young people living with perinatally or behaviourally-acquired HIV in Ukraine».

Last year employees of Department participated in XVIII Biennial Meeting of European Society of Primary Immunodeficiency (ESID) in Lisbon, Portugal, where presented “Vaccine complications in primary immunodeficiency” and «PID Registry іn Ukraine».  Results of international scientific study «Dealing with it: mental health and stigma. Report from a study of YPLHIV in the Ukraine» were presented in HIV Infection Meeting in Glasgow,  Great Britain.

In 2018 two employees of Department studied in Scholarship program abroad: Head of Department, professor Alla Volokha (Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, Great Britain) and associate-professor Yuriy Stepanovskyy  (National Institutе of Health, Bethesda, USA).