Liudmyla D. Tantsiura, MD, PhD, Associate Professor

 Studied at the Pediatric Faculty of the Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy and in 1988, after passing internship, she obtained the specialty "Neonatology". The next two years she studied at clinical residency in neonatology. In 2000, she was specializing in children's anesthesiology. Worked at the neonatal intensive care units in Dnipropetrovsk and Kyiv.
In 2011, she defended the dissertation for the grant of degree of PhD entitled "Individualization of the selection of positive end expiratory pressure during mechanical ventilation in newborns". At the Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology and Intensive Care she works since 2010 - initially as an assistant, and from 2016 she is an associate professor.
She is a curator of the Basic Department of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Kyiv Children's Clinical Hospital # 1.
Tantsiura Liudmyla is the author of 19 scientific articles in leading professional journals, co-author of the chapter "Urgent conditions in pediatrics" in the textbook "Medicine of urgent states". She co-authored with prof. Bilaiev A.V. a monograph entitled "Bronchopulmonary dysplasia in intensive care".
She has been repeatedly trained in leading foreign clinics:
- 2001, Perinatal Center of Warsaw (Poland);- 2007, Open Medical Institute lectures, Salzburg (Austria);
- 2010, a participant in the program of the French-Ukrainian exchange of specialists in the field of health and pharmacy, Paris (France).
- 2018 a stimulating training course "Stimulation Technologies in Higher Medical Education. Training for trainers ", Kyiv.
Scientific interests - anaesthesia and intensive care in newborns, mechanical ventilation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, post-cardiac arrest syndrome.