Iryna V. Kyselova, Assistant Professor

 In 1994 graduated from the Dnipropetrovsk Medical Institute, the Pediatric Faculty. Internship in the specialty "Children's Anesthesiology" in 1994-1997. After the internship, she worked for 7 years as an anesthetist in a district hospital, and from 2003 - at the Kyiv Children's Clinical Hospital # 1. Works as a lecturer at the department since 2013. The author and co-author of 15 scientific publications. At the present time, she is working on a dissertation work for obtaining a scientific degree of a candidate of medical sciences.A range of scientific interests: anesthesiology of childhood, anesthetic support for patients with severe and rare concomitant pathology, anesthetic support for orthopedic surgery, adaptation of the fast-track surgery program in children, complications of anesthesia and their prevention and treatment in children. Internship and study abroad:

2009, 2010 - Seminars from the Open Medical Institute, Salzburg, Austria

2010 - internship at University College London Hospitals, Royal National Orthopedic Hospital (Stanmore), London, UK

2012 - Internship at Salzburger Landeskliniken, St. Johanns Spital, Salzburg, Austria

2016 - Advanced Pediatric Life Support (APLS) course, Brighton, UK

2017 - internship at University Hospital, Graz, Austria

2017 - CEEPUS Summer Academy of Pediatric Medicine lecture series, Medical University, Graz, Austria

Member of anesthesiologic associations: the Association of Anesthesiologists of Ukraine, Association of Anesthetists of Kyiv, European Society of Anesthesiology (ESA), European Society of Pediatric Anesthesiology (ESPA), British Society of Orthopedic Anesthetists (B.S.O.A.).