For many years, the scientific directions of the department have been the study of the problems of infectious and toxic shock in children and the development of methods of prevention and treatment of shock, the development of new methods of anesthesia and intensive care in children, determining the role of immunological diagnosis in the provision of targeted therapy of suppurative inflammatory processes in children, the study of hormones functions in children with complications of infectious diseases. The most important scientific research of the department is the development of methods for diagnosis, prognostication and treatment of infectious and toxic shock in children.

Now one of the leading directions of the department's scientific work is the prevention and treatment of complications of anesthesia and intensive care in children, the development of methods for optimization and safety of conducting anesthesia and intensive care in patients of different age groups.

During the existence of the department 25 textbooks, manuals and monographs were published.

The department prepared and defended one doctor's and 7 candidate's theses, 3 master's theses.