The courses of specialization in children’s otorhinolaryngology (2 months and 5 months long), topical advanced training: «Phoniatrics» (1 month), «First aid in children’s otorhinolaryngology» (1 month), «Critical conditions in pediatrics and  children’s otorhinolaryngology precertification» (1 month), «Innovative technologies in children’s otorhinolaryngology» (1 month), «Principles of homoeopathy» (1,5 months), precertification courses for trainees-doctors in children’s otorhinolaryngology (1 month) audiology (1month) as well as internship, clinical residency and postgraduate courses are run  at the department.

Teaching process is provided with corresponding curricula and syllabi for internship in children’s otorhinolaryngology, specialization in children’s otorhinolaryngology and audiology, traineeship in children’s otorhinolaryngology, topical advanced training in children’s otorhinolaryngology, audiology, phoniatrics, homoeopathy.

The models of practical skills, algorithms, situation problems, testing issues in children’s otorhinolaryngology and audiology were developed, lectures accompanied by multimedia and videofilms were prepared, 3 textbooks, 32 educational and methodical manuals and reference books were published and annually a number of educational and methodic articles, educational and methodic articles are published at the department.

In Ukraine, the department is the only and leading department in 2 specialties: children’s otorhinolaryngology and audiology.