Valentin Panasyuk graduated from PDPU named after K. D. Ushinskyi, Faculty of History and Philology, speciality – History, Field of Training "Pedagogical education" in 2007. He obtained the qualification of Bachelor of History, primary school teacher. In 2008, he graduated from PDPU named after K. D. Ushinskyi with honors, having obtained a full higher education in the specialty "Pedagogy and Methods of Secondary Education. History" and received the qualification of Master of Pedagogical Education, Teacher of History.

From 2009 to 2012, he continued his studies at the post-graduate school of PDPU named after K. D. Ushinsky at the Department of Political Sciences.

He was awarded a scientific degree, PhD in Political Science - 01.13.2012

09/09/2024 - current, Kyiv Ukraine

Assistant Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Department of Language Training and Humanitarian Disciplines

09/07/2024 to 08/09/2024, Kyiv Ukraine

Associate Professor International Humanitarian University, Department of Art History and General Humanities

From 2013 to 2023, Kyiv Ukraine

Teacher of History VSP "KTEFK NTU