Training skills course “VITREO-RETINAL SURGERY” is intended for the training of heads and residents of the ophthalmologic departments, ophthalmologists and pediatric ophthalmologists, who have experience in practical work in a specialty not less than 3 years.

The purpose of course - improvement of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in diagnostics and surgical treatment of patients with retinal and vitreal diseases, increased microsurgical qualification of ophthalmologists, study of the means of modern worldwide diagnostic algorithms and the newest methods of treatment of patients with diseases of retina and vitreous body.

The course attendees will acquaint with latest achievements of modern vitreo-retinal surgery, new aspects on the pathogenesis of the vitreoretinal diseases, the modern diagnostic methods and approaches to the treatment of various vitreoretinal pathologies.

The training base for conducting classes on training skills course “VITREO-RETINAL SURGERY” will be used clinical bases of the Ophthalmology Department (Kyiv Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital "Center of Eye Microsurgery", consulting polyclinic of the Kyiv Clinical Ophthalmologic Center "Eye Microsurgery Center") and training rooms of the "Alcon" Corporation Office. Due to this, the opportunity to self-mastered methods of diagnosis and treatment of vitreo-retinal pathology will provide.

On practical classes created conditions for mastering the necessary skills, like as binocular ophthalmoscopy, interpretation of optical coherence tomography and fluorescein angiography of the retina. In addition, were created conditions for application of these skills for the early diagnosis of vitreoretinal pathology, mastering of preoperational anesthesia, intravitreal introduction of medical preparations, techniques of posterior vitrectomy, scleral buckling, removing of intraocular extraneous bodies and dropped nuclear fragments. Also course attendees study of modern indications for surgical interventions in the pathology of the retina and the scaphoid body, patients’ preparing for non-invasive microsurgical vitreoretinal and combined interventions, features of postoperative period and preventing of possible complications.

The course attendees will acquaint with modern management strategies of different forms of macular dystrophies, modern pathogenesis conception of primary retinal detachment, vitreoretinal diabetic changes, inflammatory processes in posterior segment of eye, retinopathy of prematurity, modern principles of conservative therapy and indications for surgical treatment in various types of vitreoretinal pathology.

Also course attendees will study microsurgical instruments, intraoperative dyes, types of microsurgical interventions and their possible intraoperative, early and late postoperative complications, principles of creating retinal maps, specifics of gas and silicone tamponade surgery, etc. Separately, during to training skill, are being considered issues of the anti-VEGF therapy, vitreo-retinal aspects of cataract surgery and traumatic damages of the posterior segment of the eyeball.