From March 20th to 22nd, 2024, the 14th European Breast Cancer Conference took place in Milan, focusing on breast cancer issues.

This year, EBCC14 was attended by Anastasiia Samusieva, MD, PhD, assistant professor at the oncology department of the Shupik National Healthcare University of Ukraine, who in her practice as both a doctor and a researcher is involved in the issues and treatment of breast cancer. Anastasiia defended her dissertation on the topic "Individualization of treatment tactics for patients with triple-negative breast cancer". Anastasiia is also the curator of the course "Modern Principles of Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Tumors" at the department, lectures to cadets, and conducts practical and seminar classes. She possesses modern methods of surgical treatment of breast tumors and conducts surgical master classes.

Breast cancer ranks first place in the incidence and mortality among oncopathologies in women. Currently, there is a trend of increasing incidence of this pathology worldwide. The development of technologies and improvement in their accessibility have led to an increase in the number of early detected cases of breast cancer, which enhances the survival rate of such patients. Significant changes are also occurring in the perspectives and treatment algorithms for breast cancer. The patient's quality of life is increasingly important in choosing a treatment method.

Oncologists, radiologists, and radiation diagnosticians from around the world gathered, all involved in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. The presentations addressed various issues, but this year's conference was focused on metastatic breast cancer. Leading global specialists in this field delivered presentations, providing answers to previously unanswered questions and posing new important questions that require new answers. The results of recent research in this field were also presented, based on which diagnostic and treatment algorithms for this pathology will change soon.

The exhibition at the conference deserves special attention, where the newest equipment for radiation therapy of breast cancer was presented, as well as devices that expand the possibilities of surgical treatment and allow reducing the volume of surgery without compromising its radical.

The Oncology Department emphasizes the importance of regular self-examination of breast and annual check-ups with a mammologist, as well as the necessity of undergoing screening for breast cancer (mammography for women aged 50 and above once every 2 years).

Peace to us all!

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