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The Department of Foreign Languages was created in 1962 under the instruction of the Ministry of Health of the USSR with the aim of training physicians and lecturers of medical disciplines for working abroad. The first head of the department was Valentyna A. Zinkevych, prominent teacher and qualified linguist. In 1983-1999 the department was headed by Senior Teacher Tetiana I. Usova, outstanding manager and brilliant educator. The following talented teacher-innovators had worked at the department: P. I. Kravchenko, M. N. Bilyts’ka, L. F. Lakhtionova, T. Ye. Kuchynska, S. A. Mal’tseva, I. M. Baran’ko, T. Ye. Astakhova, N. Yu. Brods’ka, T. I. Usova, T. T. Feshchenko, T. H. Budkivs’ka, O. P. Kachurets.


Valentyna A. Zinkevych                                  Tetiana I. Usova 

Over 2 thousand specialists, who worked in more than 30 countries of the world, had been trained at the department.

In 1999-2005 the Section of Foreign Languages functioned as part of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines run by Full Professor Valentyn L. Kulinichenko. Since 2005 the Department of Foreign Languages has been continuing its activity as a separate department. It has been headed by PhD (Education), Associate Professor Lada Yu. Lichman. 


9 Dorohozhytska Str.,
Kyiv, 04112 Ukraine

+38044 205 48 69