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The courses of specialization and specialized training on Analytical and Control Pharmacy, General Pharmacy are conducted at the department. About 20 years pre-certificate courses on Analytical and Control Pharmacy have been conducted. The courses consist of the curricula, programs, and bank of state computer tests developed by the teaching staff of the department and approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. At the department the pharmacists upgrade their professional skills according to the developed and approved educational programs of the thematic advanced training courses on actual issues of the quality assurance and prevention from falsification of drugs, standardization and certification of drugs. In addition, the department trains physicians and pharmacists on scientific bases of using phytotherapeutic and homeopathic medications in prevention and treatment of the diseases. The teaching staff members of the department have developed the curricula and educational programs and conduct short-term thematic advanced courses on current issues in pharmacy, including distant education.

The department carries out methodological supervision of the nonresident pharmacy interns at the specialized training bases; the bases areincluded to the approved Register of specialized training bases, which are attached to the Department of Quality Control and Standardization of Drugs.

The following courses are conducted at the department:

Specialization (internship): General Pharmacy (4 months);

 Specialization: Analytical and Control Pharmacy (2 months);

Pre-certification: Analytical and Control Pharmacy (1 month).

Thematic Advanced Training (TAT):

  • Actual Issues of the Quality Assurance and Prevention from Falsification of Drugs (1 month);
  • Modern Aspects of Making, Standardization and Certification of Drugs (2 months);
  • Actual Issues of General Pharmacy (for pharmacists – heads of the internship, 2 weeks);
  • Scientific Bases and Modern Phytotherapeutic Remedies (1.5 month);
  • Phytotherapeutic and Homeopathic Remedies (1.5 month);
  • Up-to-date System of Quality Assurance at the Stages of Realization and Medical Use (for junior specialists – pharmacists, 1 month);
  • Innovative, Generic and Traditional Drugs at Up-to-date Pharmaceutical Market (for junior specialists – pharmacists, 1 month).

The classes are held in the lecture halls, laboratories and training rooms, which are outfitted with the equipment for doing the teaching process, including computers and multimedia equipment. There are used methodological materials developed by the staff members of the department, electronic teaching instrumentation (methodological materials, manuals, textbooks, electronic variants of pharmacopeia, etc), the department’s library with the specialized publications and the sources of the Academy’s library, internet in teaching process. The informatization of the teaching process favours the increase in the efficiency and individualization of studying, the monitoring of mastering knowledge and their systematization. The department is equipped with a mini-computer lab. To hold practicals and seminars the premises of the training bases of RP LLC “Ecomed”, LLC “Falbi”,  NRC “P. I. Prokopovych Institute of Beekeeping of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences”,  PTC “Biocon”, PJSC “National Homeopathic Society” are used in accordance with the existing agreements. 


9 Dorohozhytska Str.,
Kyiv, 04112 Ukraine

+38044 205 48 69