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Iryna P.Goryacheva graduated from the pediatric faculty of the O. Bogomolets Ukrainian State Medical University in 1994. Defended the Master’s Degree in 1996 with the research work on the topic "Microbiocenosis of the intestines and immune homeostasis in children with a combined pathology of the digestive system".

She was enrolled in the postgraduate study at the Department of Pediatrics № 3 of the NMAPE. In 2000 she defended a PhD research "Optimization of treatment of chronic gastroduodenitis in children (clinical and experimental research)" under the direction of MD, Prof.S.S. Kazak.

As an assistant of the Department of Children and Adolescent Diseases of the Shupyk has been working since 1999, since 2012 - associate professor of the Department. Academic title of assistant professor since 2014.

Has a higher medical qualifying category in the field "Pediatrics".

The author and co-author of more than 60 scientific works in specialized national and foreign periodicals.


9 Dorohozhytska Str.,
Kyiv, 04112 Ukraine

+38044 205 48 69