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Igor M. Yachnyk MD, PhD, Associate Professor

 Yachnyk Igor Mykolaiovych studied at the Kyiv Medical Institute of the Ukrainian Association of Traditional Medicine and graduated from it in 2004 on the specialty "Medical Practice". After passing internship he received a specialty "Pediatric Anesthesiology", after which he worked in the department of intensive care of the National Children’s Specialized Hospital "OKHMATDYT" in Kyiv.
In 2009-2011, studied in the clinical residency of pediatric anesthesiology, after which he entered the postgraduate course in pediatric anesthesiology and in 2016 defended his dissertation on the degree of PhD "Early diagnosis of organ failure in children with septic complications."Since 2016 he has been working as an assistant of the Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L. Shupyk, combining scientific and pedagogical activity with the work of the doctor of the intensive care department "OKHMATDYT".  I.M. Yachnyk is the author of 12 scientific papers. Scientific interests - infusion therapy, clinical nutrition, treatment and diagnosis of sepsis, immunogram and antibiotic therapy, anesthesia.


9 Dorohozhytska Str.,
Kyiv, 04112 Ukraine

+38044 205 48 69