Work under extreme circumstances and under constant shelling - Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (NMAPE)  

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Associate Professor of the Dpt. of Disaster Medicine and Military Medical Training of the Faculty of Medicine,  participated in specialized medical brigade MoH of Ukraine providing medical support to the people of the de-occupied and near-front line territories on the south of Ukraine from 03-Jul-23 till 31-Jul-23, it was his 6th time during this war already.

This time the brigade was working in Berislav city central regional hospital, located in 7km zone from occupied Kakhovka town, therefore shelling in Berislav were happening 4-5 times per day. The work was to provide pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency surgery care in 24/7 regimen under shelling.

Dr Kuzmin used his previous experience working for international responders’ team in multiple disasters (Turkey 1999, India 2001, Iran 2003, Pakistan 2005, Libya 2011 years) as well as experience working in multiple trauma department in Kyiv City Clinical Hopsital of Emergency Medical Care.

In the future it is critically important to share his  practical and cumulative knowledge with the students of the university.

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