On 30 August, 2017 in Pecs (Hungary) an important event for the University took place. As part of 650th anniversary of Pecs University, NMAPE (now this Shupyk NHU of Ukraine) joined the Great Charter of Universities (Magna Charta Universitatum www.magna-charta.org). The document was signed by 388 rectors and heads of universities from all over Europe and beyond on 18 September 1988, the 900th anniversary of the University of Bologna.
On behalf of the Rector Full Professor Yuriy Voronenko, Vice-Rector for International Relations and International Students Research and Training Full Professor Olesya Hulchiy took part in the ceremony for the signing of the documents.
The Great Charter of Universities contains principles of academic freedom and institutional autonomy as a guideline for good governance and self-understanding of universities in the future. Academic freedom is the foundation for the independent search for truth and a barrier against undue intervention for both government and interest groups. Institutional autonomy is a prerequisite for the effective and efficient operations of modern universities.
The universities now refer to this text as the standard of their belonging to an international community sharing the same academic values and purposes.
Joining the University to the Great Charter of Universities is due to the efficient work of all the University’s staff members.