On December 5, 2024, under the auspices of the Department of Emergency Medicine of the Shupyk National University of Healthcare of Ukraine (CME provider № 2237), the international scientific and practical conference "I Vinychuk Scientific Readings: Interdisciplinary Aspects of Providing Medical Care in Emergency Conditions" was held. This event was registered under the number 1003063 in the database of CME events for 2024 of the Testing Center.
The conference was attended by more than 400 participants, including representatives of all specialties of junior specialists with medical education, all pharmacy specialties and doctors of all specialties in accordance with the nomenclature of medical specialties approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 446 of 22.02.2019.
The conference featured 22 presentations on various issues related to the organization of emergency medical care and the specifics of diagnosis and treatment of emergency conditions of various kinds. The event was attended by foreign experts in emergency medicine from Germany, Spain, Portugal, Turkey and India, as well as representatives of emergency medicine departments from Ukrainian higher education institutions, practicing emergency medicine and other specialties.
The conference was held in a mixed (online/offline) format with a live broadcast on a Youtube channel, subject to compliance with epidemic safety standards and the provision of shelter for offline participants in case of air raid or other threats. Based on the results of the final test control, the conference participants were issued certificates (certificate numbers from 2024 - 2237 - 1003063 - 100001 to 2024 - 2237 - 1003063 - 300031).
Link to the recording of the broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/@emergencymedicine9133/featured