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With great pleasure, along with prominent cardiac surgeon Prof. Dr. Afxendios Kalangos (Greece) we invite you to take part in the master class, which will be held February 1, 2019 at the Department of Cardiac Surgery, X-ray, Endovascular and Extracorporeal Technologies from 9:00 to 14:00. (Kyiv, Bratyslavska st., 5-A; 2d floor, assembly hall; phone number for consultations: (044) 291-55-25).

The main task of the master class is to highlight and demonstrate in practice modern methods of surgical treatment of Ebstein anomaly. We hope that all colleagues will be able not only to learn about the current achievements in the treatment of this complex pathology of the heart, but will enjoy live and direct communication in an opened and friendly atmosphere. We have no doubt that this meeting will be a valuable opportunity to feel part of the scientifically enriched environment of a true European level.


Best regards,


 Prof. Dr. Borys Todurov                   Prof. Dr. Afxendios Kalangos