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At the Department of Neurology No. 2, the internship students have successfully completed the first month of the new "Neurology" training course; the syllabus was approved by Order No. 1219 of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of 14 July 2022.

While developing the syllabus the group of experts of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, under the guidance of the head of the Department of Neurology No. 2, Full Professor Tkachenko O.V., and the membership of Associate Professor Kononets O.M., actively worked on the issues of internship in Neurology. The expert group was composed of such famous neurologists as Full Professor Yu. I. Golovchenko (Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine), Full Professor L. A. Dzyak. (Dnipro State Medical University); Full Professor O. E. Dubenko (Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education); Full Professor L. I. Sokolova (Bogomolets National Medical University) and Full Professor S. I. Shkrobot. (I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University).

The new approved syllabus shows the main principles for acquiring the Neurology specialty in the internship and it presents the main curriculum subject to the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) standards for training in neurology.

The internship training in neurology will extend for two years; it consists of educational and practical components, 3432 hours per the course which are equivalent to 114.4 ECTS credits.

The educational component of the internship takes place in higher or postgraduate education institutions, and it lasts for 6 months (936 hours, 31.2 ECTS credits), for three months of each year.

During the first month of training the department's teachers have followed up and analyzed the issues of implementing the new internship syllabus, considering the current situation. The selected principles of the syllabus, including acquiring thorough knowledge of the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the nervous system and the fundamentals of topical diagnosis, are confirmed to be relevant over the training course.

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