The department carries out research work on the topic: "Scientific substantiation of modern pathomorphological diagnosis and establishment of clinic-morphological correspondences in various diseases"
(No. of registration 0116U007906, date of registration 11.11.16.).
Head of the Research Laboratory: Head of the Department, Doctor of Medicine, Professor O. O. Dyadyk.
Deadline: 2016–2020
The purpose of the research: Determine the criteria for using the complex of modern pathomorphological diagnostic methods and identify the relation of clinical data with pathomorphological outcomes for the improvement of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.
The main priority of the department's work is the development and implementation of modern pathomorphological methods for diagnosing various diseases.
The department cooperates with different departments: “Obstetrics, gynecology and reproductology”, “Stomatology”, “Dermatology”, “Surgery” and “Vascular surgery” on agreements for scientific cooperation on the subject, approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Participation in conferences
- Seminar with international participation "Actual questions of diagnosis and treatment of children with hematological disorders in Ukraine". October 28-31, 2010, Yalta. Report: "Morphological diagnosis of lymph in children".
- Scientific and practical seminar "Current state of diagnosis and treatment of neuroendocrine tumors". November 25, 2010, Kyiv.
- Scientific-practical conference with international participation "Nehodzhhkinsky lymphoma". October 18-19, 2010, Kyiv.
- Scientific-practical conference with international participation "Actual problems of onomorphology". May 12-13, 2011, Kharkiv.
- Scientific and practical seminar "Modern technologies in the diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities. Features of Multicolor Fluorescent Microscopy. " May 20, 2011, Kyiv.
- Scientific-practical conference "Morphological aspects of microcirculation in norm and pathology". June 17-18, 2011, Ternopil city.
- International scientific and practical seminar in conjunction with "International Academy of Patology" "Gynecological pathology and breast pathology". September 26-28, 2011, Batumi, Georgia.
- Conference of Young Scientists. April 4-5, 2012, Kyiv.
- Seminar with international participation "High-tech methods in pathomorphological diagnostics and modern laboratory organization". April 24-25, 2012, Moscow.
- Scientific-practical conference "Organizational and practical issues of forensic medical histology". May 25, 2012, Dnipropetrovsk.
- IV Congress of vascular surgeons and angiologists of Ukraine with international participation. September 12-14, 2012, Uzhhorod. The report "Optimization of phlebosclerotic treatment of varicose veins on the basis of morphological and ultrasound data".
- Conference of neurosurgeons of Ukraine "Achievements of neurosurgery of the last decade". September 26-27, 2012, Kyiv. Report "Pulmonary complications in the surgical treatment of nontraumatic cerebral hemorrhages".
- Master-class "Modern technologies of light microscopy in laboratory diagnostics". September 26, 2012. m. Kyiv.
- The Department of Pathological and Topographic Anatomy organized and conducted a scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of modern pathomorphology". October 4-5, 2012, Kyiv. Reports: "Morphological changes in the vein wall with the microscopic sclerosis of varicose veins", "Perforation of the gastrointestinal tract in newborns according to morphological studies", "Clinical and morphological features of pathological fibrous processes", "Morphological features of the state of endometrium in women of reproductive age with infertility ".
The staff of the department made 6 reports, of which at the state level -2
- Scientific-practical conference "ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MODERN PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY" April 26-27, 2017, Kyiv.
Reports: prof Dyadyk O.O. Morphological features of kidney damage with Goodpascher's syndrome.
Grigorovskaya AV The role of modern pathogistological methods (immunohistochemical research) in the diagnosis of a tenosinovial giant cell disorder of diffuse type.
Lisak AV Possibilities of PET / CT diagnostics in determining the level of differentiation of squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharyngeal region at the preoperative stage.
- SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL CONFERENCE "Actual problems of modern orthopedics and traumatology" (for young scientists) May 11-12, 2017, Chernihiv.
Report: Grigorovskaya AV, Dyadik O., Grigorovsky VV Histopathological characteristic and comparative analysis of some morphological parameters in cases of tenosinovial giant cell disease.
3.40th Anniversary Scientific-Practical Conference of Young Scientists with International Participation devoted to the Day of Science "INNOVATION IN MEDICINE: ACHIEVEMENT OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS" May 18, 2017, Kyiv.
Report: Grigorovskaya AV Tenosinovial giant cell-tumor: a modern view of morphogenesis.
- Scientific-practical seminar "Modern problems of research and diagnostics of tumors of the musculoskeletal system" June 15, 2017, Kyiv.
Report: Prof. Dyadik O., Grigorovska AV Lecture "Tenosinovial giant cell tumor of soft tissues: morphogenesis, clinical morphological features and histological differential diagnostics".
Publications of the department staff
- Microcirculation in the vessels of the wall of varicose veins of the lower extremities under the action of sclerosing foam. Titova Yu.P., Irkin IV, Zaritskaya V.I. Collection of materials of the scientific-practical conference "Morphological aspects of microcirculation in norm and pathology" .- Ternopil: Ukrmedkniga, 2011. p.164-166.
- Morphological features of endometrial polyps that arose as a result of inflammation in patients of reproductive age. Timonina T.V., Irkin IV, Zaritskaya V.I., Silchenko V.P. Health is a woman. No. 4 (60). 2011. With 165-166.
- Morphological features of the state of endometrium in patients of reproductive age with infertility using the method of hysteroscopy. T.V. Timonina, IV Irkin, VI Zaritskaya, P.P. Snisarevsky Collection of scientific works Issue 20. Book 3. Kyiv, 2011. P. 185-191.
- Morphological and criteria for the justification of the operational tactics of treatment for patients with contracture Dupyutren. Shatrova KM Clinical Surgery. No. 9 S. 66-68.
- Analysis of the incidence of pulmonary complications of acute cerebrovascular abnormalities. Krychkevich VA, Rudenko S.O. Ukrainian scientific and medical youth magazine. Special Issue # 1. 2012. p. 230.
- Retrospective analysis of structural changes in the brain in the early stages of intracranial nontraumatic hemorrhage and prediction of the course of the disease. Shameev MI, Rudenko S.O., Chitaeva G.E., Silchenko V.P., Andreev S.A., Malysheva T.A. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal. No. 2 2012. p.44-52.
- Causes of lethality of patients with this rib-vascular disease, operated on arterial aneurysm and arteriovenous malformation. Rudenko S.O. Zaporozhye Medical Journal. 2012 (70). P. 24
- Optimization of phlebosclerotic treatment of varicose veins on the basis of morphological and ultrasound data. Palamarchuk V.I., Khodos V.A., Zaritskaya V.I. Materials of IV Congress of vascular surgeons and angiologists of Ukraine with international participation. Uzhhorod, September 12-14, 2012, p. 191.
- Pulmonary complications in the surgical treatment of nontraumatic cerebral hemorrhages. Yakovenko LM, Rudenko SO, Chitaeva G.E., Malysheva T.A. Abstracts of reports. Conference of Neurosurgeons of Ukraine "Achievements of neurosurgery of the last decade". - Kyiv, September 26-27, 2012. 63rd p.
- Clinical and morphological differences of spontaneous perforations of the gastrointestinal tract from perforated necrotic enterocolitis in newborns. Shatrova KM Materials of the XIV Congress of the World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Associations. Donetsk-Kiev-Chicago, 2012. p.102-103.
- Morphological changes in the wall of the vein with the microscopic sclerosis of varicose veins. Irkin IV, Khodos VA, Zaritskaya VI, Titova Yu.P. Pathology. No. 2 (25). 2012. p. 84-87.