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In October 17, 1918 in Kiev Clinical institute of perfection of the doctors were based first in Ukraine, two pediatric departments were organized: department of protection of childhood under the guidance of the professor Е.L.Sclovsky and department of illnesses of children of high age under guidance of A.Z.Lazarev. In 1930 both departments jointed in department of children's illnesses, which in the future became department of a pediatrics № 1 Kiev medical academy post graduate education. From 1930 till 1951 the department was headed by the professor A.Z.Lazarev - honoured  scientist of USSR, brilliant lecturer and teacher, a writer of the monography on a tuberculosis in children first in Ukraine. In the first days of Great Patriotic War the teachers of department were mobilised in army in the fields, worked in military hospitals. The rebirth the department had marked in March, 1944. The work was restored at pre-war  base of institute - children's specialised hospital "OHMATDET", it is the clinical base of department until nowdays. Since 1951 till 1972 the department was headed by the docent D.L.Sigalov - one of the founders Ukrainian pediatrics school. Immortalising light memory of D.L.Sigalov, in February, 1998 on a building of clinic, where he worked during 60-s years, was opened the memorial board. Since 1972 till 1987 department was headed by the professor M.V.Bondar, which was prolonging traditions of clinical school D.L.Sigalov and also became one of the founders of scientific school of a neonatology in Ukraine.

Since 1987 till 2006 the department was headed by honoured scientist and technique of Ukraine, doctor of medical sciences, professor Lasytsya O.L. - pupil of scientific school of the term – corresponding member of  AMS of USSR prof. Hohol O.M. and corresponding member of AMS of USSR and Ukraines prof.  Sidelnicov V.M.

Since 2006 the department is headed by doctor of medical sciences, professor Окhotnikova Elena Nikolaevna - prolonging traditions of clinical school of prof. M.V.Bondar and prof. O.L. Lasytsya.

Basing in pediatric compartments of children's specialised hospital "OHMATDET", the department realized major consulting and organizational medical care in Ukraine and city Kiev.

The scientific interests of department are a children's allergology and children's  pulmonology. Now in department there are 8 teachers, among which professor and 7 docents (2 doctors of medical sciences and 6 candidates of medical sciences). In the department there are many clinical interns and post-graduated students, both native and foreign. Today the department is on creative upraise, inserting the newest technologies in the medical-diagnostic and pedagogical process.