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- Nephrology Unit of the Chief Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (administrative and consultative work).

18 Hospitalna Str., Kyiv, 

 044 521-85-99 L. A. Pyrig, 044 5212153, O. I. Taran   [email protected]

- Department of Nephrology and Dialysis of Olexandrivska City Clinical Hospital is a training base for nephrology and renal-replacement therapy, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

39/1 Shovkovychna Str., Kyiv,

I. L. Kuchma   [email protected], D. D. Ivanov  [email protected], O. I. Taran    [email protected]

- Center of Nephrology and Dialysis of City Institute of Kyiv Regional Council “Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital” is a training base for nephrology and renal-replacement therapy, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

1 Bahhovutivska Str., Kyiv, S. A. Rotova   [email protected]

- Pediatric Nephrology Unit of Pediatric City Clinical Hospital No. 1 is a training base of pediatric nephrology and renal replacement therapy by hemodialysis.

30 Bohatyrska Str., Kyiv, (044)412-02-20.

D. D. Ivanov   [email protected] , S.V. Kushnirenko   [email protected]

-"Medical Practice of Full Professor D. Ivanov" (interdisciplinary consultative training base).

21a Lesia Ukrainka Blvd., Kyiv, 044 2846897

D. D. Ivanov ,   [email protected]