YURKOVSKA Lidia - senior lecturer of pedagogy, psychology, medical and pharmaceutical law department.
She works at the department since January 2016.
She is a responsible person for the medical and pharmaceutical law activity, acting deputy Head of the department, responsible for educational work of the department.
In 2003 graduated with honors from the HEI “National Academy of Management”, Kyiv, with qualification of lawyer. In 2004 she achieved with honors the Finance Management Master degree in HEI “National Academy of Management”. She started her career in 1998 and her scientific and educational work in August 2003 in HEI “National Academy of Management” as an assistant at the department of social sciences, history and theory of law. (2003-2004), senior lecturer of the state and law theory and history department (2004-2010).
Since September 2015 she worked at the National Academy of Internal Affairs, where in different years she occupied the positions of the lecturer of the general law disciplines department at the educational scientific institute of law and psychology and lecturer of the state and law department.
Since January 2016 and at this moment occupies the position of the senior lecturer of pedagogy, psychology and medical and pharmaceutical law department at NMAPE n.a. P.L. Shupik.
Also she worked part-time at LLC “Juridichna Gazeta” as a journalist, deputy Chief Editor (2007-2008) and also in LLC “Justinian” as a deputy Chief Editor of scientific magazine “Juridichnyy Jurnal” (2012-2013).
Since July 2012 and at this moment she cooperates with the Institute of Law and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (earlier – the Centre of justice workers’ retraining and qualification improvement).
Since 2018 he has been working on the dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (candidate of pharmaceutical sciences) on the topic:
"Legal and ethical aspects of ensuring the quality of medicines at the stages of selling and medical use".
Scientific supervisors: Krasnov V. V., Doctor of Medical Sciences, PhD in Pedagogy, Full Professor, Head of Department of Pedagogics Psychology Medical and Pharmaceutical Law; Ubogov S. G., PhD in Pharmacy, Associate Professor, Head of The Department of Quality Control and Standardization of Medicines, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
She is an author of 80 scientific and scientific journalistic works, including being a co-author of the textbook “Actual problems of Constitutional law” (2013) with a stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Scientific interests: Medical and Pharmaceutical Law, Constitutional and Municipal Law, Theory of the state and Law, Philosophy of the Law, juridical and medical deontology, juridical and medical conflict science
Achievements: Gratitude for participation in the process of development of the new patrol police (2015), Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and NAPS of Ukraine (2016).