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The foreground lines of investigation are:

- Optimizing treatment-and-rehabilitation measurements for children with combined digestive pathology. The clinical and pathogenetic ground of treating secretory and motor disorders in chronic gastroduodenitis in children.

- The features of psychophysical development of the infants born due to the assisted reproductive technologies.

- Perinatal lesion of the CNS.

Due to the findings the staff members acquired 36 patents, about 30 certificates of authorship, 7 innovations, more than 30 innovation proposals.

The staff members have held 4 international theoretical and practical conferences dealing with the actual issues of paediatrics.

The residency and internship paediatricians are engaged in research, they develop own research projects as consistent with the foreground lines of the department’s scientific effort.


9 Dorohozhytska Str.,
Kyiv, 04112 Ukraine

+38044 205 48 69