Davtian Lena
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Science, Professor
Prof. L.L. Davtian works at the department since 1998 and manages as the department head since 2009.
Prof. Davtyan LL works in the field of creating drugs with different dispersion media. Under the leadership of prof. Davtyan LL completed 1 doctoral, 11 candidate dissertations (1 - Doctor of PhD in specialty 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy).
Received 27 patents and copyright certificates. Prof. Davtyan LL - author of 15 textbooks, manuals and monographs, as well as a number of guidelines, has more than 400 scientific publications in domestic and foreign publications.
He has the highest qualification category in the specialty "General Pharmacy", "Organization and Management of Pharmacy".
Prof. Davtyan LL is the chairman of the Specialized Academic Council D 26.613.04 for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations (specialty 15.00.01 - drug technology, organization of pharmaceutical business and forensic pharmacy).
Prof. Davtyan LL is a member of the ed. board of scientific professional publications, including Archives of Pharmacy Practice (India); International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research (eIJPPR) (India).
Prof. Davtyan LL is a member of the attestation commission of pharmacists and pharmacists at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the State Service for Medicines in Kyiv region and Kyiv.
She was awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the State Administration of Kyiv, the Order of St. Luke of Crimea (2018); the medal of the Academy to the 100th anniversary of NMAPE named after PL Shupyk (2018); the award of the II degree "Faith, courage and honor" (2019); medal named after Mykola Dubini (2019); medal "For Service to Ukraine" (2020).
Prof. Davtyan LL is a member of public organizations: Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine (http://nanvou.com/); Academician of the International Academy of Education and Science.