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  1. Recommendations, news, video lectures.
  2. Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure // 2016 ACC / AHA HFSA
  3. ESC / EACTS The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) // 2017 The Task Force for the Management of Valvular Heart Disease of the European Society of Cardiology
  4. ESC Guidelines for their management of acutemyocardial infarction in patients presenting with ST segment elevation. The Task Force for the management of acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting with the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in the ST segment elevation // 2017 ESC focused update is a dual antiplatelet therapy in the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS).
  5. ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2016.
  6. Guidelines for management of dyslipidemia and prevention of cardiovascular disease / American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American College of Endocrinology // AACE 2017 Guidelines de Asmund C, Conte G, Sieira J, Chierchia GB, Rodriguez-Manero M, Giovanni G, Ciconte G, Levinstein M, Baltogiannis G, Saitoh Y. Casado-Arroyo R, Brugada P. Comparison of the patient-activated event . Recording system vs. traditional 24 h Holter electrocardiography in individuals with paroxysmal palpitations or dizziness. Europace 2014; 16: 1231-1235.
  7. Recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology for the treatment of patients with ventricular arrhythmias in the prevention of sudden cardiac death in 2015. Appendix to the journal Aritmologiya. - Kyiv 2016.- 136 p.
  8. Antiarrhythmic therapy at atrial fibrillation. Recommendations of the Working Group on heart rhythm disorders of the Association of Cardiologists of Ukraine. - Kyiv, 2015-60 p.
  9. Antitrombolitic therapy for atrial fibrillation in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Joint Consensus Paper of the European Society of Cardiology (EHRA), European Heart Association, European Association of Emergency Cardiovascular Practitioners (ACCA) / Cardio Surgery and Interventional Cardiology - 2014 - # 3 - 48-64s.
  10. Antitrombotic therapy of patients with atrial fibrillation. Practical recommendations for the use of new oral anticoagulants. -Kyiv.-2014.-56 p.
  11. Treatment of acute myocardial infarction in patients with elevation of segment ST. Recommendations of the Association of Cardiologists of Ukraine - Kyiv. - 2013. - 64 C.
  12. Preparation of patients with atrial fibrillation to restore sinus rhythm. Recommendations of the Working Group on Cardiac Rhythm Violations of the Association of Cardiologists of Ukraine / Kyiv, 2013
  13. Svyschenko Ye.P., Kovalenko V.M., Sirenko Y.M. and other. Recommendations of the Ukrainian Association of Cardiology for the prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension. Guide to the National Program for the Prevention and Treatment of Arterial Hypertension. Fourth edition, corrected and supplemented - Kyiv. - 2011
  14. Recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. 2012
  15. Recommendations of the European Association of Cardiologists for the management of cardiovascular diseases in pregnant women. 2011
  16. Recommendations on diagnosis and treatment of supraventricular tachycardia 2012. Prepared by members of the Association of Arrhythmologists of Ukraine and the Working Group on Cardiac Arrhythmia of the Association of Arrhythmologists of Ukraine.
  17. Recommendations on diagnostics and treatment of extrasystoles and parasystoles 2012. Prepared by members of the Association of Arrhythmologists of Ukraine and the Working Group on Cardiac Arrhythmia of the Association of Arrhythmologists of Ukraine.
  18. Recommendations on the application of implantable devices 2012. Prepared by the members of the Association of Arrhythmologists of Ukraine and the Working Group on Heart Rhythm Disorders of the Association of Arrhythmologists of Ukraine.
  19. Recommendations for catheter ablation 2012. Prepared by members of the Association of Arrhythmologists of Ukraine and the Working Group on Cardiac Arrhythmias of the Association of Arrhythmologists of Ukraine.
  20. Treatment of ventricular rhythm disturbances and prevention of sudden cardiac death 2012. Prepared by members of the Association of Arrhythmologists of Ukraine and the Working Group on Cardiac Arrhythmia of the Association of Arrhythmologists of Ukraine.
  21. Urgent care in cardiology. Educational manual edited by Dolzhenko MM - Kyiv. 2016 - 412 pp.
  22. Kovalenko V.M., Medved VI, Dolzhenko MM and co-authors. Congenital heart disease and pregnancy // Kyiv, Scientific Opinion. - 2016. - P. 165.
  23. Dolzhenko M.N. The question of the expediency of the use of metabolic cardioprotection in the era of evidence-based medicine - Art of treatment, 2012 -
  24. Dolzhenko M.M., Konoplyanik L.I., Bazilevich A.Ya., Limar Y.V., Features of endothelial dysfunction in patients with postinfarction ischemic cardiomyopathy in combination with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease // UZ. - 2014 - # 4. - P. 78-83
  25. Dolzhenko M.M., Perepelchenko N.A., Bazilevich A.Ya. Ischemic heart disease and type 2 diabetes. - Kyiv. - 2010.-160 p.
  26. Dolzhenko M.M., Potashev S.V. Echocardiography in patients with heart failure. - Donetsk: Publisher Zaslavsky O.Yu., 2011. - 160 p.
  27. Dolzhenko M.M., Potashev S.V., Lucinskaya Yu.O., Kruglova A.Yu., Lobach L.Ye. A method of perfection of medical treatment of patients after aortic-coronary bypass surgery, UA № 88080 МПК А61К 9/00 Published. 02/04/2014 Bull. No. 4
  28. Dolzhenko M.M., Potashev S.V., Lucinskaya Yu.O., Kruglova A.Yu., Lobach L.Ye. A method for improving the medical treatment of patients after aortic-coronary bypass grafting, taking into account gender peculiarities, UA № 88081 МПК А61К 9/00 Publ. 02/25/2014 Bul. No. 4
  29. Kovalenko V.M., Sichov O.S., Dolzhenko M.M., Ivanіv Yu.A. Some S.I., Patashev S.V. Nosenko N.M. Quantitative echocardiographic evaluation of the cavities of the heart. Recommendations of the Working Group on Functional Diagnostics of the Association of Cardiologists of Ukraine and the All-Ukrainian Association of Echocardiography Specialists. 2013
  30. Kovalenko V.M., Sichov O.S., Dolzhenko M.M., Ivanіv Yu.A. Some S.I., Patashev S.V. Nosenko N.M. Recommendations for echocardiographic assessment of diastolic function of the left ventricle Recommendations of the Working Group on Functional Diagnostics of the Association of Cardiologists of Ukraine and the All-Ukrainian Association of Specialists in Echocardiography. 2013
  31. Kovalenko V.N., Nesukay E.G., Dolzhenko M.N. Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: Population Strategy and Individualized Programs - K .: MORION, 2013
  32. Kovalenko V.N., Dolzhenko M.N., Nesukai E.G., from a group of researchers. European Research on the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes .- Ukrainian Journal of Cardiology, 2014
  33. Sirenko Yu.M., Radchenko G.D., Granich V.M. other. Prevention of Brain Injury in Arterial Hypertension (Methodical Recommendations) - Kyiv - 2010 - 47 S.
  34. Sichov O.S., Lutai M.I., Romanova O.M. other. Outpatient ECG monitoring. Recommendations of the Association of Cardiologists of Ukraine - Kyiv - 2010 - 44 S.
  35. Amosova K.M., Kovalenko V.M., Sokolov M.Yu., L.G. Voronkov and others / Heart Failure / Adapted Clinical Invention based on Evidence, 2016
  36. Antiarrhythmic therapy in atrial fibrillation. Recommendations 2012
  37. Arthmology and electrophysiology. Collection of lectures in charts and tables / Ed. O.Sycheva - Kiev, 2010. - 243 C.
  38. Arterial hypertension and cardiovascular risk / Ed. Yu.N. Sirenko, O.I.Zharinova - Kyiv, "The Fourth Wave". - 2009 - 159 C.
  39. At'kov O.Yu. Ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels // Exmo. - 2015 - p. 456
  40. Voronenko Yu.V., Shekera O.G., Dolzhenko MM and co-authors Topical issues of cerebellar diseases in the practice of a family doctor Zaslavsky Publishing House, 412th, 2016
  41. Dzyak G.V., Zharinov O.Y. Atrial fibrillation. - Kyiv, The Fourth Wave. - 2011. - 192 C.
  42. Cardiology. National leadership ed. Yu.N. Belenkova, R.G.Oganova - Moscow, "Gaoter-Media". - 2008 - 1232 C.
  43. Kushakovsky M.S. Heart arrhythmias (cardiac rhythm disturbances and conduction disturbances, causes, mechanisms, electrocardiographic and electrophysiological diagnostics, clinic, treatment). Manual for doctors .- Edition 2, supplemented. -Spb: ICF "Folio". 1998.-640 p.
  44. Mayerson S., Chaudari R., Mitchell E. Emergency states in cardiology. 2nd edition. / 2015
  45. Medical-social aspects of circulatory system diseases (analytical and statistical manual) / Ed. V.M. Kovalenko, V.M. Kornatsky - Kyiv. - 2009 - 146 C.
  46. ​​Possibility of hypotensive therapy in patients with high cardiovascular risk (Methodical recommendations) - Kyiv. - 2008. - 32C. IPC A61K 9/00 Published. 02/25/2014 Bul. No. 4
  47. Violations of cardiac rhythm and conductivity. Manual for doctors / Ed. Sycheva O.S. - Kyiv - 2009 - 654 p.
  48. Regulation on the examination of temporary disability. Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine 09.04.2008 N 189 49.Ruksin V.V. Emergency cardiological care at the pre-hospital stage: a manual for physicians. - St. Petersburg, Inform Med, 2014. - 207 p. 50. Cerebrovascular convulsions. Classification, standards of diagnostics and treatment / Ed. prof.V.M.Kovalenko, professor M.I. Lutaya, prof. Yu.M. Sirenka - K .: Association of cardiologists of Ukraine. - 2016 - 128 C.


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