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The Department of Emergency Medicine of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine announces that in November 2024, the staff of the Department (Head of the Department Volosovets A.O., Associate Professor Kramareva O.G. and Assistant Boiko A.V.) successfully passed the certification of a trainer according to the international protocol FAST U (Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma Ukraine).

FAST U is a modern ultrasound diagnostic tool that allows for rapid assessment of patients with injuries or in a state of emergency. This protocol has been modified by a team of our scientists led by Oksana Popova (ELLING Training Center) in Ukraine and is now used worldwide and is an integral part of the practice of emergency physicians.

As part of the ELLING training center's certification course, the department's staff mastered advanced techniques for using ultrasound to assess vital conditions such as intra-abdominal bleeding, pneumothorax, and cardiac tamponade. Upon completion of the training, the participants passed an exam and confirmed their status as trainers, which gives them the right to train other medical professionals in accordance with FAST U standards.

This achievement opens up new opportunities for improving the educational process at the university and improving the quality of medical care in Ukraine.

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