May 18, 2017 there was held the meeting of the Ukrainian Youth Movement of Family Doctors as part of international research-to-practice conference “Issues of Importance of Family Medicine and Prospects of its Development in the context of World Family Doctor Day”.
May 18, 2017 there was held the meeting of the Ukrainian Youth Movement of Family Doctors as part of international research-to-practice conference “Issues of Importance of Family Medicine and Prospects of its Development in the context of World Family Doctor Day”. The moderators were the Director of the Institute of Family Medicine, Full Professor O. Shekera and resident physician, head of student self-governance of the Institute of Family Medicine Ya. Sadovnik. After the opening speech of the Director of the Institute, there were presented scientific achievements of resident physicians of the Department of Family Medicine (Ya. Sadovnik, D. Kekukh, O. Haiova, O. Horishnia), resident physicians and postgraduate students of the Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Care (N. Hryb, S. Zinchuk, M. Panasenko, Kh. Kukharchuk), as well as resident physicians of the Department of Neurology and Reflexotherapy (O. Fedash-Kirsanov, V. Svystun). There was presented a variety of topics ranging from general information about the Youth Movement of Family Doctors to neurological issues, such as ischemic stroke in the practice of family doctors.
At the end of the section for young scientists, the representatives of the Department of Surgery and Proctology made a report on the features of microflora spectrum in case of purulent infections of soft tissues in HIV-infected patients and treatment guidelines. All the members of the meeting found the report interesting and useful.
The staff members of the Academy, including the Head of the Department of Family Medicine Full Professor L. Khimion, were interested in the scientific achievements of young doctors.
Although the event was introduced as part of large-scale conferences in 2013, but every year there take part more and more young professionals who are ready to work and make useful and necessary changes in the health care system.