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High rates of glaucoma morbidity in Ukraine (19.9% in 2018), the difficulties of early, timely diagnosis and serious prognosis, cause constant attention to this disease, both scientists and practical ophthalmologists.

Despite significant progress in glaucoma surgery and a significant replenishment of the modern range of hypotensive eye drops, this pathology of the eyes remains the leading global problem, the first cause of disability and blindness throughout the world, according to WHO data. Old age, genetics and increase intraocular pressure – the main risk factors for glaucoma – the chronic progressive optical neuropathy. The general public is not well aware of the risk factors for glaucoma. Most people are inactive about eye health.

Studies show that over 50% of glaucoma cases in Europe remain undiagnosed, since glaucoma is asymptomatic, especially in the early stages of the disease, there is a low level of awareness of the glaucoma problem and risk factors for the population. Only in the last four decades, the proportion of patients with glaucoma in the structure of primary visual disability in Ukraine has increased by 5 times.

For the fourth year in a row, during March, within the framework of the global week of glaucoma fighting, the Department of Ophthalmology of the Shupik National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, at the head with a chief by a department professor Sergiy Rykov, head of the Board of the Association of Children's Ophthalmologists and Optometrists of Ukraine, carry out a series of events for the implementation of the global anti-blind program "The Vision 2020: The Right to Sight" and with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Association of Glassy Societies (WGA) and the Worldwide Association of Patients with Glaucoma (WGPA): informing the population about prevention, early diagnosis, prevention of disability and modern methods of glaucoma treatment by means of television programs, radio programs, publication of thematic articles in the mass media with the assistance of public organizations; conducting of seminars, trainings, open lectures devoted to the problem of early glaucoma detection for family doctors and doctors of other specialties.


Medico-social and economic effectiveness of the prevention of blindness from glaucoma depends on: timely detection of the disease – in the early stages of the disease; use of modern diagnostic equipment; effective medication, laser and surgical treatment; effective neuroprotective treatment; effective continuous monitoring of the disease.