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From September 2, 2024, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 started the full-time internship cycle with 1st-year interns. 5 obstetrician-gynecologist interns started training.

The main artery damage during the combat limits life expectancy to two minutes. Therefore, correct actions in the provision of emergency aid guarantee not only the preservation of life, but also further social adaptation.

On August 15, Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine conducted its entrance exam in foreign languages, an essential step for prospective master's degree students. The exam, organized by the Department of Language Training and Humanitarian Disciplines, was meticulously designed to assess candidates' language skills through a detailed 200-point scoring system, ensuring a rigorous evaluation of their readiness for advanced academic studies.

On July 6, the department of cardiology at Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine held a cardiology workshop. The event was attended by family doctors, therapists, and cardiologists. The meeting aimed to promote modern guidelines and address the most common controversial issues in the clinical practice of managing cardiology patients.

The creation of a modern system of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of doctors and its integration in accordance with European requirements is an important component of building a healthcare system in Ukraine.

On June 18, 2024, at the department of cardiac surgery, endovascular and extracorporeal technologies of Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, a professional seminar was held regarding the consideration of the results of the dissertation work of graduate students of the department of Igor Stetsyuk "Effectiveness of valve-preserving operations in aneurysms of the root and ascending part of the aorta" (supervisor - Professor Boris Todurov) and Mykhailo Todurov "Justification and evaluation of the effectiveness of transcatheter aortic valve implantation in patients with stenosis of the aortic valve" (supervisor - associate professor Oleh Zelenchuk).