The department conducts significant educational work during the educational process and outside working hours.
Educational work among students and interns of related departments begins from the first days of their studies at the department. It is an integral part of the educational process.
Employees of the department are actively involved in the educational work of students, acting as curators of cycles. At the introductory conferences students are introduced to the organization of educational work at the Academy. One of the means of public law education is to create an atmosphere of demanding conscientious performance of duties, compliance with internal regulations, orders of the rector and the dean's office, professional ethics and deontology, forming a healthy lifestyle, promoting creative and comprehensive personal development.
Employees of the department visit the dormitories of NMAPE named after PL Shupyk, where students live.
The staff of the department pays attention to creating appropriate conditions to meet the cultural needs of students who are actively involved in cultural events, such as: tours of historical sites of the capital of Ukraine, group visits to theaters, museums, various patriotic and educational institutions, exhibitions, readers and scientific and practical conferences, etc.
Research and pedagogical staff of the department according to the schedule improve their skills, are trained in cycles in computer science, pedagogy in the relevant cycles of the faculty of advanced training of teachers NMAPE named after PL Shupyk.
The educational work of the department is carried out in daily work with students and interns of related departments, through communication, training and transfer of experience.