The staff members contribute to arranging National Congresses of Rheumatologists of Ukraine, National Congresses of Cardiologists of Ukraine, Schools of Rheumatology, Plenary Sessions of Rheumatologists. The department is the founder of the Association of Rheumatologists of Ukraine. The annual School of Rheumatologists is held for the rheumatologists of Ukraine.
Lines of investigation:
- therapy modification for autoimmune and immune complex rheumatic diseases;
- developing diagnostic and treatment methods for osteoporosis in rheumatic patients;
-implementing the system enzymotherapy in the complex treatment of rheumatic patients;
-evaluating the clinical efficiency of new anti-rheumatic pharmaco-therapeutic drugs – immunobiological drugs.
The staff's area of expertise concerns studying comorbidities influence on osteoarthritis course and selecting appropriate treatment (time of performance – 2019-2023). The research supervisor is Academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Full Professor Kovalenko V. M.