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On May 24, 2024, at the Shupyk National Healthcare University of  Ukraine named after the traditional annual scientific and practical conference with international participation «YOUNG SCIENCE 5.0» (for young scientists) was held.

Taking into account the threat of rocket attacks, the conference provided for the remote participation of young scientists (graduate students, doctoral students, clinical residents, interns, students) to highlight their scientific achievements and practical achievements in various areas of medicine.

The scientific program of the sectional meetings was rich and structured by specialties.

In the section - Surgery, emergency medical care, anesthesiology, intensive care and military medicine - the Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery presented the 2-nd reports of its young scientists - PhD student of the 3rd year of full-time study E. Krulyak and an intern of the 2nd year of study by K. Trushik, in which the results of scientific research carried out at the department under the scientific guidance of the head of the department, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, doctor of medicine, professor S. Savoliuk

Evgeny Kruglyak, a third-year graduate student of the Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery, gave a speech: «The place of simultaneous laparoscopic interventions and their impact on the development of surgeon fatigue». In addition to the fact that the materials covered in the report are part of the dissertation research of a graduate student, which is at the final stage of implementation, the work itself represents one of the main areas of work of the Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery - laparoscopic abdominal surgery.

Intern of the 2nd year of study of the Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery Karen Trushik presented the results of scientific work in a report - «Modern possibilities and prospects of surgical prevention and treatment of phantom pain syndrome», which also reflects one of the main directions of the department's work - the search for optimal techniques for performing limb amputations under the conditions primary hospitalization or at the stages of providing medical care for a combat injury, aimed at minimizing the conditions and factors that cause phantom pain, which has a significant medical and social aspect in a comprehensive rehabilitation program.

The reports aroused lively interest and discussion among the conference audience. Conference of young scientists of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of  Ukraine, which is already traditional, despite the difficult conditions of the war, continues to impress with the large number, high quality and spectrum of scientific and practical achievements of its participants

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