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Around 140 thousand new cases of oncological cases are diagnosed annually in Ukraine. There are about 1.3 million cancer-positive patients in Ukraine in total. Unfortunately, they are often invisible to society and the government.

It is important that society becomes aware of the people who have experienced cancer, to draw attention to the challenges they face. It is important to show that life with cancer exists and can be happy. 

The first National Cancer Survivors Day was held on June 5, 1988, in the United States, and is now celebrated in many countries around the world: Italy, the Netherlands, Australia, India, Malaysia, and South Africa. People who live with cancer get together, share experiences and celebrate life. On this day, society is reminded of the challenges faced by cancer patients during and after treatment. For more than 30 years, on the first Sunday of June, people around the world celebrate the National Cancer Survivors Day.

The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) was the first organization to define cancer survivors as anyone diagnosed with cancer from the moment they were diagnosed. NCCS later expanded the definition even further to include family, close friends who have been affected by the diagnosis in any way. 

The National Cancer Survivors Day was held in Ukraine on June 2, 2019, for the first time by the Inspiration family charity fund for adult cancer patients. This day is celebrated around the world to support cancer patients and inspire them to fight for their lives. 

Look around you –  there is a big chance that someone around you is diagnosed with cancer. Everyone can recall the story of a relative, classmate, neighbor, or just someone they know who lives with cancer. Nowadays, there are more than 17 million cancer survivors in the world, therefore this day is important to all of us.