The major scientific direction of the Department – Developing and improving methods for diagnosing and treating diseases of upper respiratory ways and ear in children.
Over 850 scientific works including 33 monographs, 4 textbooks, 35 manuals have been published by staff members of the department. 3 doctoral (A.A. Laiko, T.C. Mostova, A.L. Kosakovskyi), 10 Phd dissertations (L.P. Chyrkova, M.O. Melnyk, V.V. Syniachenko, Yu.A. Molochek, O.Yu. Bredun, V.V. Oliynyk, Ya.V. Shkorbotun, I.A. Kosakivska, Cherkesov Bilal (Azerbaijan), Yu.V. Gavrylenko) were defended, more than 75 inventions and about 230 rationalization proposals were worked out, 7 Certificates of copyright registration were obtained. The staff members suggested original methods of diagnosis, conservative and surgical treatment of ENT-diseases, new instruments which are widely used by pediatric otorhinolaryngologists in medical practice both in Ukraine and abroad.
An original mouth dilator for operating on lymphatic ring has been worked out which allows a voiding intubations tube displacement when operating and considerably reducing the time of surgical interventions. There were developed technologies of tonsillectomy and adenotomy under anesthesia, technology of treating acute and cicatricial laryngeal stenoses, intratissular ultra phonophoresis of medicinal substances, new ways of septoplasty, ENT organs surgical interventions by using electrowelding biological tissues: sinehia removal, septoplasty, tonsillotomy, tonsillectomy, adenotomy, treatment of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, throat and pharynx cicatricx removal,median cyst and neck fistula removal, tracheotomy, sinusotomy, tympanoplasty and the other surgical interventions by using such bipolar electric instruments as bipolar scalpel, adenotoms, raspator for surgical interventions on nasal conchas, the device for coagulation with endoscope, the device for welding biological tissues, etc .All the instruments were suggested by staff members of the department.
The Department of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Audiology and Phoniatrics is a scientific and methodological centre of pediatric otorhinolaryngology in Ukraine.
The scientific inventions of the department staff members are known to have been displayed in city, republican, international exhibitions. The staff members of the department were the winners of the city and republican exhibitions. For its scientific inventions the department was awarded І degree diploma and a golden medal from the national economy achievements exhibition in USSR (1989), golden medals from ІV,V,VІ, УІІ and VІІI “The New time”, ”The Constant development in the time of changes” international saloons for inventions and new technologies (2008-2012), Gold Medal of the Association of Inventors and Innovators of Poland (2012), Prize of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists (2011), diplomas, prizes from the State Department of Intellectual Property (2010),from the AR Crimea Board of Ministers (2010), The Fund for Development of Fundamental Sciences in Russia (2010), a prize from Taiwan Society of Inventors (2011), a prize from the President of the International Inventors Federation (2011, Hungary),”Woman-inventor” prize (2011), diplomas and certificates from the Health Administration of Kyiv City Council of People’s Deputies, Kyiv City Council of Trade Unions, Kyiv City Council of All-Union Society of Inventors and Innovators, the City Exhibition Committee and the other awards.