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Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine would like to extend its deepest gratitude to The Queen's University of Belfast for the generous donation of computers that received on 29 May as a help to overcome the educational losses caused by the war.

This support from University`s partners is a reminder that Ukrainians are not alone in facing the war and the losses it causes. Despite the challenges of the war, the University continues to be active in bringing the quality of education closer to European standards. 

This is the second tranche of assistance that the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine has received from the Queen's University of Belfast. Which is a public research university in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The Chancellor of this university is Hillary Clinton.

The Memorandum of Understanding between the universities was concluded in December 2022 with the help of the Cormack Consultancy Group (a British organisation that has been helping universities develop their international partnership strategies for over 20 years).

The agreement offers such forms of cooperation as:

- Development of scientific research and training of doctors of philosophy (PhD) at the third (educational and scientific) level in the field of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD);

- Promotion of public health, monitoring and impact of the healthcare system on social risk factors, training of specialists in Public Health at the second and third levels of higher education.

The strategic task of implementing the agreements between the two institutions is to train specialists in accordance with European standards and ensure the competitiveness of graduates in the labour market of the WHO European Region. It is planned that the educational process will be provided simultaneously by the academic staff of the University and the Royal Belfast University. The institutions provide teachers with access to databases of scientific papers and teaching materials to ensure the quality of training and internationalisation of education.

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