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The Department of Anesthesiology and IC continues education of the 1st year residents, for which the teachers of the department constantly organize not only lecture lessons, but also practical seminars, trainings, simulations.

December 3, 2018 assoc. professor Kuchynska IA and the clinical ordinator Efimenko RA organized a master class "Cardiac arrest in the operating room", during which interns had the opportunity to work out practical skills for the implementation of indirect cardiac massage, the use of an automatic external defibrillator, the use of a two-phase defibrillator-cardioverter, to ensure airway from manual techniques to intubation under different conditions of the emergence of critical states in the operating room (toxic effects of local anesthetics, anaphylactic shock, bleeding, etc.). During the training, doctors interns were divided into separate teams of 4-5 people, each team was presented with a clinical scenario with various types of rhythm disturbances that arise during cardiac arrest (asystole, ventricular tachycardia without pulse, ventricular fibrillation, electro-mechanical dissociation).

Teachers of the department and residents see the high efficiency of this type of training by modeling critical situations and working on them on mannequins, which in the future will allow to minimize admitting mistakes when working with patients, which can sometimes be fatal.